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Farm Transition and Succession Planning

Starting the conversation about farm transfer takes work. It’s a difficult conversation, often associated with fear of not knowing what’s next. Developing a succession plan takes time, effort, and communication with all parties involved.

Plenty of resources, professionals, and services are available to help you start the conversation. Having a plan in place is being prepared for the unexpected.

Are you getting started in the process? Estate and Succession Planning for Small Business Owners is a helpful resources as you begin to think about the next steps in the process.

Service Provided Directory for Farm Succession Planning -

New York FarmNet consultants are trained professionals who work alongside farm families to provide a network of contacts and support services to help develop skills for dealing with life challenges and transition through personalized education, confidential consulting, and referral. We can’t make the call, but you can contact FarmNet at 1.800.547.FARM or by visiting them online:

Do you need help with conflict within your operation discussing farm transition? NY Agriculture Mediation is a service that has helped resolve problems of all sizes of farms through mediation services. You can visit them online for more information about working with a NYSAMP Mediator:

Last updated September 8, 2023