Find resources here for raising beef...

Dairy cattle at Lew-Lin farm, Dryden NY
Image by Sandy Repp

and dairy cattle...

Horses at Willowbrook Farm; horse
Image by Heather Moreton



small ruminants...

Horseman's Trail Farm
Image by Mary Finger

swine...and more!


Livestock production has seen abundant growth over the past 10 years. The land in our region is prime for grazing and making feeds for all forms of livestock. We work with livestock farms including beef, sheep, goat, hog, horse, and poultry producers.

The CCE Livestock Program Work Team recognized New York livestock producers’ needs to have a trustworthy central location for all things livestock and developed the website in response. The website is organized into themes based on species and information can be found on a variety of production topics including breeding and reproduction, nutrition, and health as well as marketing.
You can Visit the CCE Livestock Resource website here


Marylynn Collins
Dairy & Livestock Educator
(315) 736-3394 x132

Last updated February 6, 2025